Market Creation Process

In this section, we will walk you through the simple process of creating your own market on the Earn Network site.

Please note this functionality is not yet available on the production version of The current estimate is September '24 for the product to be live for everyone to access.

General Guide on how to create your own Prediction Market

Please note, we will update this guide with relevant screens shortly.

  1. Log in via MetaMask to the Earn.Network platform and go to Creator's Lab.

  2. Click "Create New" and you will be taken to the first step to create your own Prediction Market.

  3. Select the "Prediction Market" Category and click continue.

  4. Specify the Prediction Market details such as the question, fees, blockchain and other important parameters that will make your market popular.

  5. Define the outcomes that users will be able to bet on.

  6. Done! You've just created a draft of your own Prediction Market. When you go back to your Creator Labs you will be able to see your newly created Prediction Market, click on it and you will see all the details about your specific market.

  7. Review the data you provided and Pay for the creation of the market.

  8. Your market is now being reviewed by the dedicated team. Once approved, you will be able to deploy it to the network you have specified.

  9. Success! Your market is now available for users to participate in.

More guides related to managing and withdrawing funds from your market will be posted soon.

Last updated